What Is the Proxy Pattern?

The Proxy Pattern is a design pattern that allows a wrapper object to control the access to the underlying object. It is used when we need to add additional behavior to an object without changing its original code. This pattern is widely used in JavaScript, especially in modern frameworks like React and Vue.js. In this article, we will explore the Proxy Pattern and its usage in JavaScript.

What is the Proxy Pattern?

The Proxy Pattern is a structural design pattern that provides a surrogate or placeholder for another object to control access to it. The Proxy acts as an intermediary between the client and the underlying object. The client interacts with the Proxy object, which in turn passes the request to the underlying object. The Proxy can intercept the request and modify it before passing it on to the underlying object. The Proxy can also perform additional operations before or after the request is processed by the underlying object.

Usage of the Proxy Pattern in JavaScript

In JavaScript, the Proxy Pattern is used extensively in modern frameworks like React and Vue.js. Let’s look at some examples of how the Proxy Pattern is used in JavaScript.


Suppose we have an object that contains user information. We want to validate the user’s email address before allowing it to be updated. We can use the Proxy Pattern to intercept the request to update the email address and validate it before passing it on to the underlying object. This ensures that the user’s email address is always valid.


Suppose we have an object that performs a time-consuming operation. We want to cache the results of the operation so that it doesn’t have to be performed every time. We can use the Proxy Pattern to intercept the request and check if the result is already cached. If it is, we can return the cached result instead of performing the operation again.


Suppose we want to log every request made to an object. We can use the Proxy Pattern to intercept the request and log it before passing it on to the underlying object. This allows us to keep track of every request made to the object.

Example: Creating a Proxy in JavaScript

const target = {
  name: "John",
  age: 30,

const handler = {
  get: function (target, prop, receiver) {
    console.log(`Getting property '${prop}'`);
    return target[prop];
  set: function (target, prop, value) {
    console.log(`Setting property '${prop}' to '${value}'`);
    target[prop] = value;

const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler);

console.log(proxy.name); // Output: Getting property 'name' John
proxy.age = 40; // Output: Setting property 'age' to '40'

Pros of the Proxy Pattern in JavaScript:

  • Flexibility: The Proxy pattern allows for greater flexibility in the design of software systems. It provides a way to add an extra layer of functionality to an existing object without modifying its behavior.

  • Security: The Proxy pattern can be used to enforce security by restricting access to certain properties or methods of an object. For example, a proxy can be used to limit access to sensitive data or to validate user input before allowing it to modify an object.

  • Performance Optimization: The Proxy pattern can be used to cache the results of expensive operations, which can improve the performance of the application. For example, a proxy can cache the results of a database query, so that subsequent calls to the same query do not have to hit the database again.

  • Abstraction: The Proxy pattern can be used to abstract away complex implementations, making it easier for developers to work with an object. For example, a proxy can be used to provide a simplified interface to a complex object.

Cons of the Proxy Pattern in JavaScript:

  • Complexity: The Proxy pattern can add complexity to the codebase, making it harder to understand and maintain. Developers need to be careful when using proxies to avoid creating code that is difficult to read or modify.

  • Compatibility: The Proxy object is part of the ECMAScript 6 (ES6) specification and is not supported by older browsers. This can limit the use of the Proxy pattern in applications that need to support a wide range of browsers.

  • Performance Overhead: The Proxy pattern can add a performance overhead to the application, particularly when proxies are used to intercept every method call or property access. Developers need to carefully consider the performance implications of using proxies in their applications.

The Proxy Pattern is a powerful tool for adding additional behavior to an object without changing its original code. It allows us to control access to an object and perform additional operations before or after a request is processed. However, it can introduce additional complexity to the code and may not be necessary for simple objects or operations. When used properly, the Proxy Pattern can improve the performance and maintainability of our code.

However, developers need to be aware of the potential downsides of using proxies, such as increased complexity and performance overhead. Proper use of the Proxy pattern can lead to more flexible, secure, and performant applications.

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